

Deconstructing Intractability: A Case Study for Interval Constrained Coloring

14 years 9 months ago
Deconstructing Intractability: A Case Study for Interval Constrained Coloring
The NP-hard Interval Constrained Coloring problem appears in the interpretation of experimental data in biochemistry dealing with protein fragments. Given a set of m integer intervals in the range 1 to n and a set of m associated multisets of colors (specifying for each interval the colors to be used for its elements), one asks whether there is a “consistent” coloring for all integer points from {1, . . . , n} that complies with the constraints specified by the color multisets. We initiate a study of Interval Constrained Coloring from the viewpoint of combinatorial algorithmics, trying to avoid polyhedral and randomized rounding methods as used in previous work. To this end, we employ the method of systematically deconstructing intractability. It is based on a thorough analysis of the known NP-hardness proof for Interval Constrained Coloring. In particular, we identify numerous parameters that naturally occur in the problem and strongly influence the problem’s practical solvabi...
Christian Komusiewicz, Rolf Niedermeier, Johannes
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CPM
Authors Christian Komusiewicz, Rolf Niedermeier, Johannes Uhlmann
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