

Inclusion Dependencies in XML: Extending Relational Semantics

14 years 9 months ago
Inclusion Dependencies in XML: Extending Relational Semantics
In this article we define a new type of integrity constraint in XML, called an XML inclusion constraint (XIND), and show that it extends the semantics of a relational inclusion dependency. This property is important in areas such as XML publishing and ‘data-centric’ XML, and is one that is not possessed by other proposals for XML inclusion constraints. We also investigate the implication problem for XINDs in complete XML documents, a class of XML documents that generalizes the notion of a complete relation, and present an axiom system that we show to be sound and complete.
Michael Karlinger, Millist W. Vincent, Michael Sch
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where DEXA
Authors Michael Karlinger, Millist W. Vincent, Michael Schrefl
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