

Navigating a Maze with Balance Board and Wiimote

14 years 8 months ago
Navigating a Maze with Balance Board and Wiimote
Abstract. Input from the lower body in human-computer interfaces can be beneficial, enjoyable and even entertaining when users are expected to perform tasks simultaneously. Users can navigate a virtual (game) world or even an (empirical) dataset while having their hands free to issue commands. We compared the Wii Balance Board to a hand-held Wiimote for navigating a maze and found that users completed this task slower with the Balance Board. However, the Balance Board was considered more intuitive, easy to learn and ‘much fun’. Key words: H.5.2. User interfaces, Evaluation, Input devices and strategies.
Wim Fikkert, Niek Hoeijmakers, Paul E. van der Vet
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Wim Fikkert, Niek Hoeijmakers, Paul E. van der Vet, Anton Nijholt
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