

Application of ASP for Automatic Synthesis of Flexible Multiprocessor Systems from Parallel Programs

14 years 9 months ago
Application of ASP for Automatic Synthesis of Flexible Multiprocessor Systems from Parallel Programs
Configurable on chip multiprocessor systems combine advantages of task-level parallelism and the flexibility of field-programmable devices to customize architectures for parallel programs, thereby alleviating technological limitations due to memory bandwidth and power consumption. Given the huge size of the design space of such systems, it is important to automatically optimize design parameters in order to facilitate wide and disciplined explorations. Being a combinatorial problem, system design can be modeled and solved as such, but the amount of parameters renders the problem difficult to solve for large instances. However, as the synthesis problem usually exhibits structure, Answer Set Programming (ASP), for which solvers utilizing techniques from the propositional satisfiability domain are available, can be effectively employed. This paper presents a design flow based on ASP that uses the solver clasp as back-end engine. Synthesis experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of...
Harold Ishebabi, Philipp Mahr, Christophe Bobda, M
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Harold Ishebabi, Philipp Mahr, Christophe Bobda, Martin Gebser, Torsten Schaub
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