

The Bronco: a proof-of-concept adaptive fairground ride

14 years 7 months ago
The Bronco: a proof-of-concept adaptive fairground ride
This paper presents a proof-of-concept for a novel design of fairground ride, which has been developed as part of an ongoing exploration into the use of wearable bio-sensing to enhance the experience of amusement parks and fairgrounds. The ride is controlled by a human operator, whom is solely reliant upon information transmitted from a personal telemetry system worn by the rider, which collects and transmits auditory, visual and physiological information. The design and implementation of this ride experience is presented, and its first deployment at a major public exhibition is described. Initial reflections on this event draw on observations and interviews, with the aim of helping to shape the agenda for research in this area. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5 INFORMATION INTERFACES AND PRESENTATION General Terms Experimentation, Human Factors Keywords Fairground, Ride, Bucking Bronco, Wearable, Sensors, BioSensing, Heart-rate, Adaptation, Telemetry
Stefan Rennick Egglestone, Joe Marshall, Brendan W
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Stefan Rennick Egglestone, Joe Marshall, Brendan Walker, Duncan Rowland, Steve Benford, Tom Rodden
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