

Subliminal wiretapping

14 years 7 months ago
Subliminal wiretapping
Subliminal Wiretapping is a subtly interactive artwork that utilizes random number generation modified through mindmatter effects to supply a continuous stream of words. Frequent, personal connections emerge from participants interpreting the stream as the words appear. Author Keywords mind-matter, random event generator, random number generator, psyleron, interactive, subtle, listen, wiretap, automatic writing, ouija, REG, RNG. ACM Classification Keywords J.5. Art and Humanities: Fine Arts. H.5.2. User Interfaces: Input Devices and Strategies. General Terms Design, Experimentation. DESCRIPTION Subliminal Wiretapping has three primary visual components: a random number generator, a display, and a printer (see below). The random number generator acts as the input device. The display gives participants real-time feedback. The printer creates a permanent record. The participant is free to interact with the system on a conscious or unconscious level. INTENTION The object of the artwork is...
Shawn Lawson
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Shawn Lawson
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