

Stereo matching for calibrated cameras without correspondence

14 years 9 months ago
Stereo matching for calibrated cameras without correspondence
Abstract— We study the stereo matching problem for reconstruction of the location of 3D-points on an unknown surface patch from two calibrated identical cameras without using any a priori information about the pointwise correspondences. We assume that camera parameters and the pose between the cameras are known. Our approach follows earlier work for coplanar cameras where a gradient flow algorithm was proposed to match associated Gramians. Here we extend this method by allowing arbitrary poses for the cameras. We introduce an intrinsic Riemannian Newton algorithm that achieves local quadratic convergence rates. A closed form solution is presented, too. The efficiency of both algorithms is demonstrated by numerical experiments.
Uwe Helmke, Knut Hüper, L. Vences
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CDC
Authors Uwe Helmke, Knut Hüper, L. Vences
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