

A low-cost concurrent error detection technique for processor control logic

14 years 9 months ago
A low-cost concurrent error detection technique for processor control logic
This paper presents a concurrent error detection technique targeted towards control logic in a processor with emphasis on low area overhead. Rather than detect all modeled transient faults, the technique selects faults which have a high probability of causing damage to the architectural state of the processor and protects the circuit against these faults. Fault detection is achieved through a series of assertions. Each assertion is an implication from inputs to the outputs of a combinational circuit. Fault simulation experiments performed on control logic modules of an industrial processor suggest that high reduction in damage causing faults can be achieved with a low overhead.
Ramtilak Vemu, Abhijit Jas, Jacob A. Abraham, Srin
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where DATE
Authors Ramtilak Vemu, Abhijit Jas, Jacob A. Abraham, Srinivas Patil, Rajesh Galivanche
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