

Comparison of Opamp-Based and Comparator-Based Delta-Sigma Modulation

14 years 7 months ago
Comparison of Opamp-Based and Comparator-Based Delta-Sigma Modulation
Comparator-based switched capacitor (CBSC) circuits present an alternative approach to designing sampled data systems based on the principle of detecting a virtual ground condition with a comparator rather than actively enforcing it with a high-gain operational amplifier (opamp) in feedback. This work demonstrates a 2nd -order ∆Σ converter designed using the CBSC technique. The same modulator topology was also implemented using two conventional design methods for a two-stage Miller-compensated amplifier and a single-stage folded cascode amplifier, such that all three blocks can be used as ‘drop-in replacements’ in the top-level circuit. The designs are done in a 0.13 µm UMC technology. The SNDR performance and power consumption of all three approaches were simulated with a sampling frequency of 5.12 MHz and an oversampling ratio of 64. It can be concluded that the CBSC method provides a great simplification of design effort and significant power savings compared to the tr...
Massoud Momeni, Petru Bogdan Bacinschi, Manfred Gl
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where DATE
Authors Massoud Momeni, Petru Bogdan Bacinschi, Manfred Glesner
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