

Automated Testability Enhancements for Logic Brick Libraries

14 years 8 months ago
Automated Testability Enhancements for Logic Brick Libraries
Circuit fabrics composed of highly regular structures, called logic bricks, have been described recently for improving yield. An automated logic brick design flow based on a SAT formulation of the brick routing has been developed to minimize wire length and the number of vias while maintaining several design-for-manufacturability constraints. In this work, testability enhancements are imposed into a logic brick to reduce the likelihood of (i) feedback bridges to improve test and (ii) equivalent faults to improve diagnosis. This is accomplished by adding constraints to the SAT formulation of the logic brick routing that restricts certain wires from being routed in close proximity, thus making bridges between them unlikely. Application to several brick designs resulted in critical-area reductions for targeted bridges with little degradation in terms of additional wire length and via count.
Jason G. Brown, Brian Taylor, Ronald D. Blanton, L
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where DATE
Authors Jason G. Brown, Brian Taylor, Ronald D. Blanton, Larry T. Pileggi
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