SOFIA (Safe Automatic Flight Back and Landing of Aircraft) project is a response to the challenge of developing concepts and techniques enabling the safe and automatic return to ground in the event of hostile actions. Activities in this sense have been started in the framework of the SAFEE SP3 (Secure Aircraft in the Future European Environment Sub-Project 3) project. SOFIA project is proposed as the continuation of the SAFEE works on FRF (Flight Reconfiguration Function), the system to automatically return the aircraft to ground. SOFIA will design architectures for integrating the FRF system into several typologies of avionics for civil transport aircraft; development of one of this architectures; validation, following E-OCVM (European Operational Concept Validation Methodology) of the FRF concept and the means to integrate it in the current ATM (Air Traffic Management); safety assessment of FRF at aircraft and operational (ATC-Air Traffic Control) levels. The SOFIA product is the FR...