

Physically-Aware N-Detect Test Pattern Selection

14 years 7 months ago
Physically-Aware N-Detect Test Pattern Selection
N-detect test has been shown to have a higher likelihood for detecting defects. However, traditional definitions of Ndetect test do not necessarily exploit the localized characteristics of defects. In physically-aware N-detect test, the objective is to ensure that the N tests establish N different logical states on the signal lines that are in the physical neighborhood surrounding the targeted fault site. We present a test selection procedure for creating a physicallyaware N-detect test set that satisfies a user-provided constraint on test-set size. Results produced for an industrial test chip demonstrate the effectiveness and practicability of our pattern selection approach. Specifically, we show that we can virtually detect the same number of faults 10 or more times as a traditional 10-detect test set and increase the number of neighborhood states and the number of faults with 10 or more states by 18.0 and 4.7%, respectively, without increasing the number of tests over a traditio...
Yen-Tzu Lin, Osei Poku, Naresh K. Bhatti, Ronald D
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where DATE
Authors Yen-Tzu Lin, Osei Poku, Naresh K. Bhatti, Ronald D. Blanton
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