

Byzantine replication under attack

14 years 8 months ago
Byzantine replication under attack
Existing Byzantine-resilient replication protocols satisfy two standard correctness criteria, safety and liveness, in the presence of Byzantine faults. In practice, however, faulty processors can, in some protocols, significantly degrade performance by causing the system to make progress at an extremely slow rate. While “correct” in the traditional sense, systems vulnerable to such performance degradation are of limited practical use in adversarial environments. This paper argues that techniques for mitigating such performance attacks are needed to bridge this “practicality gap” for intrusion-tolerant replication systems. We propose a new performance-oriented correctness criterion, and we show how failure to meet this criterion can lead to performance degradation. We present a new Byzantine replication protocol that achieves the criterion and evaluate its performance in fault-free configurations and when under attack.
Yair Amir, Brian A. Coan, Jonathan Kirsch, John La
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where DSN
Authors Yair Amir, Brian A. Coan, Jonathan Kirsch, John Lane
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