

Virtual prototyping through co-simulation of a Cartesian plotter

14 years 9 months ago
Virtual prototyping through co-simulation of a Cartesian plotter
This paper shows a model-based design trajectory for the development of real-time embedded control software using virtual prototyping. As a test case, a Cartesian plotter is designed. Functional correctness of the plotter software has been ensured by means of co-simulation using a virtual prototype before deploying it on target. Except for the interface implementation, the software that is used in the co-simulation is identical to the software that is compiled to run on the target computing platform. Virtual prototyping is especially important if the real target can damage itself if it is operated outside its safe operation zone or when prototypes are not yet available for testing. The co-simulation of the software against a virtual prototype resulted in a first-time-right deployment on the real target.
Marcel A. Groothuis, Arjen S. Damstra, Jan F. Broe
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ETFA
Authors Marcel A. Groothuis, Arjen S. Damstra, Jan F. Broenink
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