

View Synthesis for Recognizing Unseen Poses of Object Classes

15 years 4 months ago
View Synthesis for Recognizing Unseen Poses of Object Classes
Abstract. An important task in object recognition is to enable algorithms to categorize objects under arbitrary poses in a cluttered 3D world. A recent paper by Savarese & Fei-Fei [1] has proposed a novel representation to model 3D object classes. In this representation stable parts of objects from one class are linked together to capture both the appearance and shape properties of the object class. We propose to extend this framework and improve the ability of the model to recognize poses that have not been seen in training. Inspired by works in single object view synthesis (e.g., Seitz & Dyer [2]), our new representation allows the model to synthesize novel views of an object class at recognition time. This mechanism is incorporated in a novel two-step algorithm that is able to classify objects under arbitrary and/or unseen poses. We compare our results on pose categorization with the model and dataset presented in [1]. In a second experiment, we collect a new, more challengi...
Silvio Savarese, Fei-Fei Li 0002
Added 15 Oct 2009
Updated 15 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ECCV
Authors Silvio Savarese, Fei-Fei Li 0002
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