

Maestro: Design Challenges for a Group Calendar

14 years 8 months ago
Maestro: Design Challenges for a Group Calendar
Maestro - 3D group calendar visualizer aims at handling multiple schedules and highlighting common free times. One of the most powerful skills of Maestro is scalability according to the number of group members, which can be up to 18 users. The use of color and shape intends to create a more lucid picture of an organization’s schedule, as opposed to traditional calendars which can overwhelm the user with information. The goal is not to produce yet another calendar application, but to define an interactive information visualization technique. This work concentrates on highlighting the relevant information, using primitive shapes and color differentiation to avoid a complicated depiction. Keywords--- Calendars, Design Process, time sheet, schedule, 3D Organizer, Information Visualization, Graphical Representation, Interactive Animation, 3D Graphics, Cylinder.
Billur Engin, Mehves Cetinkaya, Elif E. Ayiter, Mu
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where IV
Authors Billur Engin, Mehves Cetinkaya, Elif E. Ayiter, Murat Germen, Selim Balcisoy
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