

A Fundamental Permission Interpretation for Ownership Types

14 years 6 months ago
A Fundamental Permission Interpretation for Ownership Types
This paper builds a bridge between permissions and ownership types. Ownership is a recognized alias control technique. With ownership, each object is assigned an owner and any access to that object is required to follow some rules based on its owner. Permission is a low-level linear value associated with some piece of state in a program and it is often used to permit certain operations. A permission nesting indicates that some permission is nested in another which intuitively reveals a protection relation between a nested permission and its nester one, with building some restriction among operations furthermore. Permission nesting and ownership behave some common characteristic. In this paper, two ownership models (owners-as-dominators and owners-as-locks) are investigated, and we show they are able to be unified by permission interpretation. Whereafter, we discuss the possibilities of representing multiple ownership by fractional permissions.
Yang Zhao, John Boyland
Added 01 Jun 2010
Updated 01 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where TASE
Authors Yang Zhao, John Boyland
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