

An investigation of hyper-heuristic search spaces

14 years 8 months ago
An investigation of hyper-heuristic search spaces
— Hyper-heuristics or “heuristics that coordinate heuristics” are fastly becoming popular for solving combinatorial optimisation problems. These methods do not search directly the solution space; they do it indirectly through the exploration of the space of heuristics and/or their combinations. This space is named the associated space. The task of finding the best element in the associated space is referred to as the associated problem. This paper presents a formal definition of the associated problem, and investigates several of its properties. An empirical study of the associated problem is performed using a production scheduling problem as experimental environment. Obtained results allow us to partly explain what are the advantages of hyper-heuristic solution representations over other traditional ones, and, to give recommendations on hyperheuristic design.
José Antonio Vázquez Rodrígue
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CEC
Authors José Antonio Vázquez Rodríguez, Sanja Petrovic, Abdellah Salhi
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