

Robotic Self-Replication in a Structured Environment without Computer Control

14 years 9 months ago
Robotic Self-Replication in a Structured Environment without Computer Control
— The ability to self-replicate is one of the distinctive features of living organisms. Robots capable of self-replication would have a profound impact on the field of robotics by improving lifetime and robustness. In the past our lab has built several prototypes of self-replicating robotic systems including semi-autonomous and fully-autonomous robots with microprocessor-based control, and a self-replicating electromechanical circuit composed of basic electronic elements (transistors, resistors, etc.). These previous efforts demonstrated that man-made systems with simple behaviors are capable of self-replication. Extending our previous results, in this paper, we present an autonomous self-replicating robotic system with distributed electronic components in a structured environment. Using simple discrete electronic components allows for a more uniform decomposition of each robot into simpler parts than for microprocessor-controlled systems. Ultimately, we would like to demonstrate ro...
Steven Eno, Lauren Mace, Jianyi Liu, Brian Benson,
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CIRA
Authors Steven Eno, Lauren Mace, Jianyi Liu, Brian Benson, Kailash Raman, Kiju Lee, Matthew Moses, Gregory S. Chirikjian
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