

Self-heating-aware optimal wire sizing under Elmore delay model

14 years 9 months ago
Self-heating-aware optimal wire sizing under Elmore delay model
Global interconnect temperature keeps rising in the current and future technologies due to self-heating and the adiabatic property of top metal layers. The thermal e ects impact adversely both reliability and performance of the interconnect wire, shortening the interconnect lifetime and increasing the interconnect delay. Such e ects must be considered during the process of interconnect design. In this paper, one important argument is that the traditional linear dependence between wire resistance and wire width is no longer adequate for high layer interconnects due to the adiabatic property of these wires. By using curve tting technique, we propose a quadratic model to represent the resistance of interconnect, which is aware of the thermal e ects. Based on this model and the Elmore delay model, we derived a linear optimal wire sizing formula in form of f(x) = ax+b. Compared to non-thermalaware exponential wire sizing formula in form of f(x) = ae;bx, we observed a 49.7% average delay ga...
Min Ni, Seda Ogrenci Memik
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where DATE
Authors Min Ni, Seda Ogrenci Memik
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