We describe an efficient, top-down strategy for overlap removal and floorplan repair which repairs overlaps in floorplans produced by placement algorithms or rough floorplanning methodologies. The algorithmic framework that we propose incorporates a novel geometric shifting technique within a top-down flow. The effect of our algorithm is quantified across a broad range of floorplans produced by multiple tools. Our method succeeds in producing valid placements in almost all cases; moreover, compared to leading methods, it requires only one fifth the run-time and produces placements with 4 to 13% less HPWL and up to 43% less cell movement. Categories and Subject Descriptors: B.7.2 [Integrated Circuits]: Design Aids—Placement and routing; G.4 [Mathematical Software]: Algorithm design and analysis General Terms: Algorithms, design
Kristofer Vorwerk, Andrew A. Kennings, Doris T. Ch