

Smooth Feedback for Car-Like Vehicles in Polygonal Environments

14 years 8 months ago
Smooth Feedback for Car-Like Vehicles in Polygonal Environments
— We introduce a method for constructing provably safe smooth feedback laws for car-like robots in obstaclecluttered polygonal environments. The robot is taken to be a point with motion that must satisfy bounded path curvature constraints. We construct a global feedback plan (or control policy) by partitioning the environment into convex cells, computing a discrete plan on the resultingcell complex, and generating local control laws on the state space that are safe, consistent with the high level plan, and satisfy smoothness conditions. The trajectories of the resulting global feedback plan are smooth and stabilize the position of the robot in the plane, neglecting the orientation. We also extend our basic results to the case of a disc robot moving among polygonal obstacles.
Stephen R. Lindemann, Steven M. LaValle
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICRA
Authors Stephen R. Lindemann, Steven M. LaValle
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