

Min-Domain Ordering for Asynchronous Backtracking

14 years 6 months ago
Min-Domain Ordering for Asynchronous Backtracking
Ordering heuristics are a powerful tool in CSP search algorithms. Among the most successful ordering heuristics are heuristics which enforce a fail first strategy by using the min-domain property [HE80, BR96, SG98, Dec03]. Ordering heuristics have been introduced recently to Asynchronous backtracking (ABT), for distributed constraints satisfaction (DisCSP) [ZM05]. However, the pionering study of dynamically ordered ABT, ABT DO, has shown that a straightforward implementation of the min-domain heuristic does not produce the expected improvement over a static ordering. The best ordering heuristic for asynchrounus backtracking was found to be the Nogood-triggered heuristic. The present paper proposes an asynchronous dynamic ordering which does not follow the standard restrictions on the position of reordered agents in ABT DO. Agents can be moved to a position that is higher than that of the target of the backtrack (culprit). Combining the Nogood-triggered heuristic and the min-domain pr...
Roie Zivan, Moshe Zazone, Amnon Meisels
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CP
Authors Roie Zivan, Moshe Zazone, Amnon Meisels
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