

Improved Algorithms for Inferring the Minimum Mosaic of a Set of Recombinants

14 years 6 months ago
Improved Algorithms for Inferring the Minimum Mosaic of a Set of Recombinants
Abstract. Detecting historical recombination is an important computational problem which has received great attention recently. Due to recombination, input sequences form a mosaic, where each input sequence is composed of segments from founder sequences. In this paper, we present improved algorithms for the problem of finding the minimum mosaic (a mosaic containing the fewest ancestral segments) of a set of recombinant sequences. This problem was first formulated in [15], where an exponential-time algorithm was described. It is also known that a restricted version of this problem (assuming recombination occurs only at predefined block boundaries) can be solved in polynomial time [15, 11]. We give a polynomial-time algorithm for a special case of the minimum (blockless) mosaic problem, and a practical algorithm for the general case. Experiments with our method show that it is practical in a range of data much larger than could be handled by the algorithm described in [15].
Yufeng Wu, Dan Gusfield
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CPM
Authors Yufeng Wu, Dan Gusfield
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