

Accuracy of cDNA microarray methods to detect small gene expression changes induced by neuregulin on breast epithelial cells

14 years 2 months ago
Accuracy of cDNA microarray methods to detect small gene expression changes induced by neuregulin on breast epithelial cells
Background: cDNA microarrays are a powerful means to screen for biologically relevant gene expression changes, but are often limited by their ability to detect small changes accurately due to "noise" from random and systematic errors. While experimental designs and statistical analysis methods have been proposed to reduce these errors, few studies have tested their accuracy and ability to identify small, but biologically important, changes. Here, we have compared two cDNA microarray experimental design methods with northern blot confirmation to reveal changes in gene expression that could contribute to the early antiproliferative effects of neuregulin on MCF10AT human breast epithelial cells. Results: We performed parallel experiments on identical samples using a dye-swap design with ANOVA and an experimental design that excludes systematic biases by "correcting" experimental/ control hybridization ratios with control/control hybridizations on a spot-by-spot basis....
Bin Yao, Sanjay N. Rakhade, Qunfang Li, Sharlin Ah
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Authors Bin Yao, Sanjay N. Rakhade, Qunfang Li, Sharlin Ahmed, Raul Krauss, Sorin Draghici, Jeffrey A. Loeb
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