

Address generation for memories containing multiple arrays

14 years 7 days ago
Address generation for memories containing multiple arrays
This paper presents techniques for generating addresses for memories containing multiple arrays. Because these techniques rely on the inversion or rearrangement of address bits, they are faster and require less hardware to compute than offset addition. Use of these techniques can decrease effective access time to arrays and reduce address generation hardware. The primary drawback is that extra memory space is occasionally required by these techniques, but this extra memory space is on average only 4% and no worse than 25.2% of the utilized memory space. This amount of wasted address space is less than the amount required by similar techniques [1].
Herman Schmit, Donald E. Thomas
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Where TCAD
Authors Herman Schmit, Donald E. Thomas
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