

Algorithms for ADC Multi-site Test with Digital Input Stimulus

14 years 21 days ago
Algorithms for ADC Multi-site Test with Digital Input Stimulus
This paper reports two novel algorithms based on time-modulo reconstruction method intended for detection of the parametric faults in analogue-to-digital converters (ADC). In both algorithms, a pulse signal, in its slightly adapted form to allow sufficient time for converter settling, is taken as the test stimulus reliving the burden placed on accuracy requirement of excitation source. The objective of the test scheme is not to completely replace traditional specificationbased tests, but to provide a reliable method for early identification of excessive parameter variations in production test that allows quickly discarding of most of the faulty circuits before going through the conventional test. The efficiency of the methods is validated on a 6-bit flash ADC.
Xiaoqin Sheng, Hans G. Kerkhoff, Amir Zjajo, Guido
Added 17 Feb 2011
Updated 17 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where ETS
Authors Xiaoqin Sheng, Hans G. Kerkhoff, Amir Zjajo, Guido Gronthoud
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