

Batched Multi Triangulation

14 years 7 months ago
Batched Multi Triangulation
The Multi Triangulation framework (MT) is a very general approach for managing adaptive resolution in triangle meshes. The key idea is arranging mesh fragments at different resolution in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) which encodes the dependencies between fragments, thereby encompassing a wide class of multiresolution approaches that use hierarchies or DAGs with predefined topology. On current architectures, the classic MT is however unfit for real-time rendering, since DAG traversal costs vastly dominate raw rendering costs. In this paper, we redesign the MT framework in a GPU friendly fashion, moving its granularity from triangles to precomputed optimized triangle patches. The patches can be conveniently tri-stripped and stored in secondary memory to be loaded on demand, ready to be sent to the GPU using preferential paths. In this manner, central memory only contains the DAG structure and CPU workload becomes negligible. The major contributions of this work are: a new out-of-cor...
Paolo Cignoni, Fabio Ganovelli, Enrico Gobbetti, F
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Paolo Cignoni, Fabio Ganovelli, Enrico Gobbetti, Fabio Marton, Federico Ponchio, Roberto Scopigno
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