

Calibration of the head direction network: a role for symmetric angular head velocity cells

14 years 23 days ago
Calibration of the head direction network: a role for symmetric angular head velocity cells
Abstract Continuous attractor networks require calibration. Computational models of the head direction (HD) system of the rat usually assume that the connections that maintain HD neuron activity are pre-wired and static. Ongoing activity in these models relies on precise continuous attractor dynamics. It is currently unknown how such connections could be so precisely wired, and how accurate calibration is maintained in the face of ongoing noise and perturbation. Our adaptive attractor model of the HD system that uses symmetric angular head velocity (AHV) cells as a training signal shows that the HD system can learn to support stable firing patterns from poorlyperforming, unstable starting conditions. The proposed calibration mechanism suggests a requirement for symmetric AHV cells, the existence of which has previously been unexplained, and predicts that symmetric and asymmetric AHV cells should be distinctly different (in morphology, synaptic targets and/or methods of action on postsy...
Peter Stratton, Gordon Wyeth, Janet Wiles
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JCNS
Authors Peter Stratton, Gordon Wyeth, Janet Wiles
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