
126views more  JCNS 2010»
13 years 11 months ago
Calibration of the head direction network: a role for symmetric angular head velocity cells
Abstract Continuous attractor networks require calibration. Computational models of the head direction (HD) system of the rat usually assume that the connections that maintain HD n...
Peter Stratton, Gordon Wyeth, Janet Wiles
83views more  FOCM 2002»
14 years 10 days ago
A Rigorous ODE Solver and Smale's 14th Problem
We present an algorithm for computing rigorous solutions to a large class of ordinary differential equations. The main algorithm is based on a partitioning process and the use of i...
Warwick Tucker
88views more  IPL 2006»
14 years 18 days ago
A note on the attractor-property of infinite-state Markov chains
In the past 5 years, a series of verification algorithms has been proposed for infinite Markov chains that have a finite attractor, i.e., a set that will be visited infinitely oft...
Christel Baier, Nathalie Bertrand, Ph. Schnoebelen
14 years 4 months ago
A Modular Attractor Model of Semantic Access
This paper presents results from lesion experiments on a modular attractor neural network model of semantic access. Real picture data forms the basis of perceptual input to the mod...
William Power, Ray J. Frank, D. John Done, Neil Da...