

Combining Evaluative and Generative Diagnosis in ACTIVEMATH

14 years 9 months ago
Combining Evaluative and Generative Diagnosis in ACTIVEMATH
Generative and evaluative approaches are two different ways of diagnosing students’ input that have been realized in a number of intelligent tutoring systems. We describe how ActiveMath’s exercise subsystem realizes both types of diagnosis and how it can combine them. A framework for distribution of diagnostic services is extending the existing web-service approach to mathematical services with the notion of context. In addition to an appropriate diagnosis, a goal is the interoperability of diagnosis services. Keywords. diagnosis, evaluative and generative approach, user modeling, interoperability
George Goguadze, Erica Melis
Added 25 May 2010
Updated 25 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where AIED
Authors George Goguadze, Erica Melis
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