

Conceptual Model Based Normalization of XML Views

14 years 1 months ago
Conceptual Model Based Normalization of XML Views
As the popularity of XML as a format for data representation grows the need for storing XML data in an effective way grows as well. Recent research has provide us with effective solutions based on storing XML data into relational databases and with new technologies based on storing XML data in the native form. However, design of XML databases has not been studied sufficiently yet. In this paper, we suppose a set of XML schemes that describe XML representation of our data in several types of XML documents. We show that we can not usually store the data directly in this representation because it can contain redundancies. To design an optimal database schema we therefore need to locate these redundancies and eliminate them. We describe two types of redundancies in XML data in this paper and show how to utilize a conceptual schema of the XML schemes to locate such redundancies. We also show how to normalize the XML schemes to eliminate these redundancies.
Martin Necasky
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Martin Necasky
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