

Consistent Visualization and Querying of GIS Databases by a Location-Aware Mobile Agent

14 years 6 months ago
Consistent Visualization and Querying of GIS Databases by a Location-Aware Mobile Agent
Location-aware mobile users need to access, query, and visualize, geographic information in a wide variety of applications including tourism, navigation, environmental management, and emergency response. Often they also need to communicate information back and forth with other mobile users or with a central agency. Depending upon the task, the user may have to share or switch between different databases or different views of the same database. In this work, we first describe our efforts to create a consistent visualization of different spatial geographic databases consisting of aerial imagery, AutoCAD drawings, schematic diagrams, and street maps. The location of a mobile user is obtained via GPS (Global Positioning System) and visualized synchronously across different visualizations. Our focus then is to support the mobile user in visually accessing and querying the spatial GIS databases. The mobile or the central user can interact with the the database in real-time and communicate t...
Suresh K. Lodha, Nikolai M. Faaland, Grant Wong, A
Added 23 Aug 2010
Updated 23 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CGI
Authors Suresh K. Lodha, Nikolai M. Faaland, Grant Wong, Amin P. Keller
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