

Continuous impulsive force controller for Forbidden-Region Virtual Fixtures

14 years 6 months ago
Continuous impulsive force controller for Forbidden-Region Virtual Fixtures
— Forbidden-Region Virtual Fixtures (FRVFs) are traditionally imposed on users via proportional-derivative (PD) control. To reduce user penetration into the forbidden region, this paper proposes a new controller, hereafter called Continuous Impulsive Force (CIF) controller. The CIF controller generates passive impulsive forces throughout users’ motion into the forbidden region. These impulsive forces annihilate users’ velocity into the forbidden region. Superimposed on typical PD control forces, the CIF control forces reduce users’ incursion into the forbidden region, and render the feel of fully plastic collisions.
Daan Hennekens, Daniela Constantinescu, Maarten St
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICRA
Authors Daan Hennekens, Daniela Constantinescu, Maarten Steinbuch
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