

Dataset Traversal with Motion-Controlled Transfer Functions

14 years 6 months ago
Dataset Traversal with Motion-Controlled Transfer Functions
In this paper, we describe a methodology and implementation for interactive dataset traversal using motion-controlled transfer functions. Dataset traversal here refers to the process of translating a transfer function along a specific path. In scientific visualization, it is often necessary to manipulate transfer functions in order to visualize datasets more effectively. This manipulation of transfer functions is usually performed globally, i.e., a new transfer function is applied to the entire dataset. Our approach allows one to locally manipulate transfer functions while controling its movement along a traversal path. The method we propose allows the user to select a traversal path within the dataset, based on the shape of the volumetric model and manipulate a transfer function along this path. Examples of dataset traversal include the animation of transfer functions along a pre-defined path, the simulation of flow in vascular structures, and the visualization of convoluted shap...
Carlos D. Correa, Deborah Silver
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Carlos D. Correa, Deborah Silver
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