

Decision Support Models for Composing and Navigating through e-Learning Objects

14 years 8 months ago
Decision Support Models for Composing and Navigating through e-Learning Objects
Libraries of learning objects may serve as basis for deriving course offerings that are customized to the needs of different learning communities or even individuals. Several ways of organizing this course composition process are discussed. Course composition needs a clear understanding of the dependencies between the learning objects. Therefore we discuss the metadata for object relationships proposed in different standardization projects and especially those suggested in the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. Based on these metadata we construct adjacency matrices and graphs. We show how Gozinto-type computations can be used to determine direct and indirect prerequisites for certain learning objects. The metadata may also be used to define integer programming models which can be applied to support the instructor in formulating his specifications for selecting objects or which allow a computer agent to automatically select learning objects. Such decision models could also be helpful fo...
Gerhard Knolmayer
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Gerhard Knolmayer
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