

Deformable Proximity Queries and Their Application in Mobile Manipulation Planning

14 years 5 months ago
Deformable Proximity Queries and Their Application in Mobile Manipulation Planning
Abstract. We describe a proximity query algorithm for the exact minimum distance computation between arbitrarily shaped objects. Special characteristics of the Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi (GJK) algorithm are employed in various stages of the algorithm. In the first stage, they are used to search for sub-mesh pairs whose convex hulls do not intersect. In the case of an intersection, they guide a recursive decomposition. Finally, they are used to derive lower and upper distance bounds in non-intersecting cases. These bounds are utilized in a spatial subdivision scheme to achieve a twofold culling of the domain. The algorithm does not depend on spatial or temporal coherence and is, thus, specifically suited to be applied to deformable objects. Furthermore, we describe its embedding into the geometrical part of a mobile manipulation planning system. Experiments show its usability in dynamic scenarios with deformable objects as well as in complex manipulation planning scenarios.
Marc Gissler, Christian Dornhege, Bernhard Nebel,
Added 25 Jul 2010
Updated 25 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ISVC
Authors Marc Gissler, Christian Dornhege, Bernhard Nebel, Matthias Teschner
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