

Deformations of general parametric shells: Computation and robot experiment

14 years 9 months ago
Deformations of general parametric shells: Computation and robot experiment
— A shell is a body enclosed between two closely spaced and curved surfaces. Classical theory of shells [38], [33], [16] assumes a parametrization along the lines of principal curvature on the middle surface of a shell. Such a parametrization, while always existing locally, is not known for many surfaces, and deriving one can be very difficult if not impossible. This paper generalizes the classical straindisplacement equations and strain energy formula to a shell with an arbitrary parametric middle surface. We show that extensional and shearing strains can all be represented in terms of geometric invariants including principal curvatures, principal vectors, and the related directional and covariant derivatives. Computation of strains and strain energy is also described for a general parametrization. The displacement field on a shell is represented as a Bspline surface. By minimization of potential energy, we have simulated deformations of algebraic surfaces under applied loads, and...
Yan-Bin Jia, Jiang Tian
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where IROS
Authors Yan-Bin Jia, Jiang Tian
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