We present an approach to the automatic derivation of executable Process Network specifications from Weakly Dynamic Applications. We introduce the notions of Dynamic Single Assignment Code, Approximated Dependence Graph, and Linearly Bounded Sets to model and capture weakly dynamic (data-dependent) behavior of applications at the task-level of abstraction. Process Networks are simple parallel processing models that match the emerging multi-processor architectures in the sense that the mapping of Process Network specifications of applications onto multi-processor architectures can be done in a systematic and transparent way. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.6.3 [Simulation and Modeling]: Applications; J.6 [Computeraided Engineering]: Computer-aided design (CAD) General Terms Algorithms, Design Keywords System-Level Design, Heterogeneous Embedded Systems, Kahn Process Networks, Weakly Dynamic Applications
Todor Stefanov, Ed F. Deprettere