

Deterministic Algorithms for ATPG under Leakage Constraints

14 years 9 months ago
Deterministic Algorithms for ATPG under Leakage Constraints
—Measuring the steady state leakage current (IDDQ) is very successful in detecting faults not discovered by standard fault models. But vector dependencies of IDDQ decrease the resolution. We propose deterministic ATPG algorithms to create test vectors within predefined leakage ranges. Even when random pattern generation does not find test vectors, the proposed algorithms identify vectors within the desired range. Experimental results confirm that leakage constraints are effectively handled during test pattern generation without decreasing fault coverage. Keywords-Algorithms, deterministic ATPG, IDDQ
Gorschwin Fey
Added 18 May 2010
Updated 18 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ATS
Authors Gorschwin Fey
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