

An Empirical Bayes Adjustment to Multiple p-values for the Detection of Differentially Expressed Genes in Microarray Experiments

14 years 4 months ago
An Empirical Bayes Adjustment to Multiple p-values for the Detection of Differentially Expressed Genes in Microarray Experiments
In recent microarray experiments thousands of gene expressions are simultaneously tested in comparing samples (e.g., tissue types or experimental conditions). Application of a statistical test, such as the t-test, would lead to a p-value for each gene that reflects the amount of statistical evidence present in the data that the given gene is indeed differentially expressed. We show how to use these p-values across the genes using the method of empirical Bayes estimation so that each gene in turn borrows evidence of differential expression (or nondifferential expression, whatever the case may be) from all other genes on the microarray. A new set of accept/reject decisions are reached for the differential expressions using the empirical Bayes adjusted p-values through a resampling based step-down p-value calculation that protects the analyst against the overall (familywise) type 1 error rate. The utility of incorporating the empirical Bayes adjustment is illustrated via a number of simu...
Somnath Datta, Susmita Datta
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where APBC
Authors Somnath Datta, Susmita Datta
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