

A Family of Logical Fault Models for Reversible Circuits

14 years 4 months ago
A Family of Logical Fault Models for Reversible Circuits
Reversibility is of interest in achieving extremely low power dissipation; it is also an inherent design requirement of quantum computation. Logical fault models for conventional circuits such as stuck-at models are not wellsuited to quantum circuits. We derive a family of logical fault models for reversible circuits composed of kCNOT (k-input controlled-NOT) gates and implementable by many technologies. The models are extensions of the previously proposed single missing-gate fault (MGF) model, and include multiple and partial MGFs. We study the basic detection requirements of the new fault types and derive bounds on the size of their test sets. We also present optimal test sets computed via integer linear programming for various benchmark circuits. These results indicate that, although the test sets are generally very small, partial MGFs may need significantly larger test sets than single MGFs.
Ilia Polian, Thomas Fiehn, Bernd Becker, John P. H
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ATS
Authors Ilia Polian, Thomas Fiehn, Bernd Becker, John P. Hayes
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