

Fast and efficient voltage scheduling by evolutionary slack distribution

14 years 6 months ago
Fast and efficient voltage scheduling by evolutionary slack distribution
- To minimize energy consumption by voltage scaling in design of heterogeneousreal-time embeddedsystems, it is necessary to perfom two distinct tasks: task scheduling (TS) and voltage selection (VS). Techniques propased to date either are fast hut yield inetlicient results, or output efficient solutions after many slow iterations. As a core problemto solve in the inner Iwp of a system-level optimization cycle, it is critical that the algorithm he fast while producinghigh quality results. This paper presents a new technique called EvolutioMry Relative Slack Distribution Voltage Scheduling (ERSD-VS) that achieves both speed and etrciency. It addressespriorityadjustmentand slackdistributionissues with low cost heuristics. Experimental resultsfrom running publicly available testhenches show up to 42% energy saving compared to a published technique called EVEN-VS. It also shows up to 70 times speed improvement comparedto an efficient technique called EE-GLSA.
Bita Gorjiara, Pai H. Chou, Nader Bagherzadeh, Meh
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Bita Gorjiara, Pai H. Chou, Nader Bagherzadeh, Mehrdad Reshadi, David Jensen
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