

Fast Heuristics for the Edge Coloring of Large Graphs

14 years 8 months ago
Fast Heuristics for the Edge Coloring of Large Graphs
Heuristic algorithms for coloring the edges of large undirected single-edge graphs with (or very close to) the minimal number of colors are presented. Compared to simulated annealing and a grouping genetic algorithm for small graphs, the heuristics were not only faster by orders of magnitude, but almost all solutions had the optimal color number; the rest differed by at most two colors. For large graphs, the heuristics were validated by an evolutionary algorithm. Here, the heuristics often found an optimum or a solution very close to it.
Mario Hilgemeier, Nicole Drechsler, Rolf Drechsler
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where DSD
Authors Mario Hilgemeier, Nicole Drechsler, Rolf Drechsler
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