

Formal Verification of Probabilistic Swarm Behaviours

13 years 11 months ago
Formal Verification of Probabilistic Swarm Behaviours
Robot swarms provide a way for a number of simple robots to work together to carry out a task. While swarms have been found to be adaptable, fault-tolerant and widely applicable, designing individual robot algorithms so as to ensure effective and correct swarm behaviour is very difficult. In order to assess swarm effectiveness, either experiments with real robots or computational simulations of the swarm are usually carried out. However, neither of these involve a deep analysis of all possible behaviours. In this paper we will utilise automated formal verification techniques, involving an exhaustive mathematical analysis, in order to assess whether our swarms will indeed behave as required.
Savas Konur, Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher
Added 10 Feb 2011
Updated 10 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Savas Konur, Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher
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