

Generation of Synthetic Sequential Benchmark Circuits

14 years 7 months ago
Generation of Synthetic Sequential Benchmark Circuits
Programmable logic architectures increase in capacity before commercial circuits are designed for them, yielding a distinct problem for FPGA vendors: how to test and evaluate the e ectiveness of new architectures and software. Benchmark circuits are a precious commodity, and often cannot be found at the correct granularity, or in the desired quantity. In previous work, we have de ned important physical characteristics of combinational circuits. We presented a tool (circ) to extract them, and gave an algorithm and tool (gen) which generates random circuits, parameterized by those characteristics or by a realistic set of defaults. Though a promising rst step, only a small portion of real circuits are fully combinational. In this paper we extend the e ort to model sequential circuits. We propose new characteristics and generate circuits which are sequential. This allows for the generation of truly useful benchmark circuits, both at and beyond the sizes of nextgenerationFPGAs. By comparin...
Michael D. Hutton, Jonathan Rose, Derek G. Corneil
Added 07 Aug 2010
Updated 07 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where FPGA
Authors Michael D. Hutton, Jonathan Rose, Derek G. Corneil
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