Circuit specialization techniques such as constant propagation are commonly used to reduce both the hardware resources and cycle time of digital circuits. When recon gurable FPGAs...
This paper shows that the speed of FPGAs with large embedded memory arrays can be improved by adding direct programmable connections between the memories. Nets that connect to mul...
Steven J. E. Wilton, Jonathan Rose, Zvonko G. Vran...
This paper presents a novel system architecture applicable to high-performance and flexible transport data processing which includes complex protocol operation and a network contr...
ct High-capacity FPGAs pose device architects with a variety of problems. The most obvious of these problems is interconnect capacity. Others include interconnect performance, cloc...
Process technology advances tell us that the one-million gate Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) will soon be here, and larger devices shortly after that. We feel that current a...
Programmable logic architectures increase in capacity before commercial circuits are designed for them, yielding a distinct problem for FPGA vendors: how to test and evaluate the ...
Michael D. Hutton, Jonathan Rose, Derek G. Corneil
This paper describes an application in high-performance signal processing using reconfigurable computing engines: a 250 MHz cross-correlator for radio astronomy. Experimental resu...