

Hierarchical Shape-Adaptive Quantization for Geometry Compression

14 years 1 months ago
Hierarchical Shape-Adaptive Quantization for Geometry Compression
The compression of polygonal mesh geometry is still an active field of research as in 3d no theoretical bounds are known. This work proposes a geometry coding method based on predictive coding. Instead of using the vertex to vertex distance as distortion measurement, an approximation to the Hausdorffdistance is used resulting in additional degrees of freedom. These are exploited by a new adaptive quantization approach, which is independent of the encoding order. The achieved compression rates are similar to those of entropy based optimization but with a significantly faster compression performance.
Stefan Gumhold
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where VMV
Authors Stefan Gumhold
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