
140views Visualization» more  VMV 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
Photo-Realistic Rendering of Blond Hair
We present a method for photo-realistic hair rendering, which is based on light scattering from (human) hair fibers. In contrast to existing approaches our method gives realistic ...
Arno Zinke, Gerrit Sobottka, Andreas Weber 0004
106views Visualization» more  VMV 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
Free Surface Lattice-Boltzmann fluid simulations with and without level sets
We present two variants of free surface LatticeBoltzmann fluid simulations for the animation of liquids in computer graphics. The LatticeBoltzmann method is an attractive alternat...
Nils Thürey, Ulrich Rüde
167views Visualization» more  VMV 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
Rendering and Simulation of Liquid Foams
In this paper we present a technique for rendering and simulating liquid foams in real time using GPUs [11, 12]. The goal is to have bubbles meeting physical properties when inter...
Martin Sunkel, Jan Kautz, Hans-Peter Seidel
126views Visualization» more  VMV 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
Top-Down Visual Attention for Efficient Rendering of Task Related Scenes
The perception of a virtual environment depends on the user and the task the user is currently performing in that environment. Models of the human visual system can thus be exploi...
Veronica Sundstedt, Alan Chalmers, Kirsten Cater, ...
171views Visualization» more  VMV 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
Cloth Motion from Optical Flow
This paper presents an algorithm for capturing the motion of deformable surfaces, in particular textured cloth. In a calibrated multi-camera setup, the optical flow between consec...
Volker Scholz, Marcus A. Magnor
100views Visualization» more  VMV 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
Vector Quantization Based Data Selection for Hand-Eye Calibration
The paper presents a new vector quantization based approach for selecting well-suited data for hand-eye calibration from a given sequence of hand and eye movements. Data selection...
Jochen Schmidt, Florian Vogt, Heinrich Niemann
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14 years 1 months ago
Digital Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is an optical technique used to measure the velocity of seeded particles in real flow. A CCD camera captures the flow field twice under ex...
Thomas Schiwietz, Rüdiger Westermann
103views Visualization» more  VMV 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
Hardware-accelerated ambient occlusion computation
In this paper, we present a novel, hardwareaccelerated approach to compute the visibility between surface points and directional light sources. Thus, our method provides a first-o...
Mirko Sattler, Ralf Sarlette, Gabriel Zachmann, Re...
185views Visualization» more  VMV 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
Convexification of Unstructured Grids
Unstructured tetrahedral grids are a common data representation of three-dimensional scalar fields. For convex unstructured meshes efficient rendering methods are known. For conca...
Stefan Röttger, Stefan Guthe, Andreas Schiebe...