

Hollywood: a business model for the future?

14 years 7 months ago
Hollywood: a business model for the future?
This paper elucidates an emergent theory of organizational structure, process and leadership which the author believes will characterize the Internet based workplace of the future. The theory was developed during a study of rapidly growing enterprises in the new media industry sponsored by CommerceNet in Los Angeles during 1998-99. Following an outline of this organizational model, the paper reports an in-depth case study of a on-going successful business concern which has been built upon the principles of this "Hollywood" model of information technology enabled firms and whose leadership espouses the role of 'producer'. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of how this new organizational model can be implemented and how work process can be shifted from a task oriented project base to a community team basis for new ecommerce organizations. Keywords Organizational design, communities, producer, Hollywood, teams, teamwork, project management, ecommerce Backgrou...
Charles E. Grantham
Added 01 Aug 2010
Updated 01 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Charles E. Grantham
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